Are you super lazy and want to impress people with a recipe that looks like you spent a long time making it? Do you like zucchini? Do you like things that taste sort of like french fries? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I highly recommend that you check out this easy recipe especially if you are having people over or are going to a pot luck (real talk, I haven't been to a pot luck in forever! Someone should throw one).
So this recipe is from Smitten Kitchen which is acting as my holy grail for food ideas right now. Check it out:
Instead of buying a carton of egg whites you can just use regular eggs and separate the yolks from the shell if you are either:
A. Not in the mood to go to the store
B. A cooking bad ass
Just slice that baby up.
Bathing zucchini circles in egg whites is only semi-gross. Promise. Because then you get to coat them in your lovely Panko/Parmesan/Pepper/Salt mixture!
Make sure to coat both sides!
Arrange them attractively on a cookie sheet and toss them in the oven. Half way through turn them over so they brown evenly. If any of the coating comes off sprinkle some more on.
You want them to be brown and crispy so that they have a nice crunch to them.
Now aren't you fancy?